Now you can have a live chat with customers and prospects using your voice phone number just like your cell phone. Engage your customer in a new way with more flexibility than traditional cell phone texting.
The menu for your office auto attendant phone tree these five basic operational features included to make it easy for your callers to navigate and reach the person or department they need.
She told me that she had a few objections to the auto attendant. A couple of people said they "always like to reach a person" and she said "that's the beauty of this, that they do." One button reaches her office. One button reaches her claims service.
Voice over Internet Protocol, VoIP is now available for small offices who only need a line or just a couple of lines. All Call Technologies now offers business quality VoIP phone service with local phone numbers in over 4000 rate centers across the United States.
Thousands of 2 and 4-line phone systems in small offices need more than the built-in voice mail. But how does it get setup?
Even offices that sell the same product or service as another will need to have their system customized for success. Owners must take into consideration these factors when implementing an Auto Attendant