It's done! Qwest and Centurylink (CenturyTel) have cleared the hurdles to merge the two telecom's into the third largest telecom in the US. The combined companies now stretch into 37 states.
I spent the evening at a networking event and chatted with a plumber who is loosing business. He knows that potential customers call in the evening but they hang up and don't call him. His office voice mail gives the caller his cell phone number but seldom do people hang up and redial...
Is your Qwest bill too high? Look on the last pages and see if you have any charges from other companies. You may be getting billed for services from a third party that you may not have signed up for.
Now avaliable the New 855 Toll Free phone numbers for business. The FCC has recently released the 855 toll free number set for access on a limited basis. All Call Technologies has access to these numbers for entrepreneurs and small businesses...
The generic voice mail outgoing greeting is just that, generic. Is your business generic? No? Your business is unique and special. Why would someone want to become your customer when they get your voice mail and it's not identifying your business? It's all about your business image!
Are you looking for a new employee? I have a couple of friends who are Action Coaches and they have their clients setup an Employee Screen Voice Mail number to advertise. This streamlines the initial process of contact and keeps your office from getting flooded with calls.