TF - 877-659-4999
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Articles about business phone systems, services and updates on new features.

Voice Messaging

We have added a new feature for group accounts: Copy Message!


Microsoft Windows 10 has made a change to their audio file associations. Some of our clients have said they can no longer play the audio attachments after upgrading to the new operating system. Here's the solution.

Now you may have your voice mail transcribed and sent to your email!

SMS Text Notification

I have a physician client who was going on vacation. She asked another physician to cover her urgent calls while she was gone. She sent me the info I thought I needed the physicians name, her cell phone number and the cell phone carrier. The carrier is Republic Wireless.

Now you may have your voice mail transcribed and sent to your email and texted to your phone!

I'm sure that most of the voice mail messages you receive are not urgent. For those you may have a regular process to check them when you have time or at prescribed intervals. But when someone leaves an urgent message do you have a special process to alert you and respond?

What's Your Profession?

We work with many different professions, here are a few. Jump to the page of your profession to get ideas on how an All Call Technologies system might work for you.