You don’t need to be operating in the legal or health care industry to invest in a phone answering service for your business. It’s a great way to put a professional face on your business and let incoming callers know that you’re legitimate.
Complying with HIPAA requires certain procedures in the office but the system still needs to be useful for the staff and the callers.
Finding the right balance between using a professional phone system in your practice and remaining HIPAA complaint can sometimes be difficult. Having a phone system to take calls in your office is both professional and efficient, however, there are problems that may arise due to privacy issues.
There are many professions that need to have an option for callers to reach someone when they have an urgent situation. The problem these businesses have is how to do it!
Employing an auto attendant in your office is a solid strategy in terms of growth for your company or practice. As business starts moving faster and faster, using an auto attendant can allow you to catch every call, every time.
Making an upgrade to a phone system in a small office can be frustrating trying to get the features you need without spending a fortune...on new phone lines!