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Articles about business phone systems, services and updates on new features.

Business Ideas

Many businesses have sales people out everyday making calls on their clients. Often the salesperson hand the client a card with his contact info on it. The contact phone numbers on the card should all be owned by the business! If the cell phone number on the card is the salesperson's personal cell...

The idea of testing and measuring advertising is not a new concept. Marketing firms test different ads with slightly different content all the time to generate the most ROI for the client. Measuring results of different ads and different media has been challenging...

We run into many small business owners who started their business using their cell phone number as their business telephone number. It is very common and initially seems like a good idea. We understand why people do this. It is an inexpensive communications solution that appears...

I called a business today whose line was busy. I could tell that they had voice mail from the phone company. It said “Hi this is ______ Real Estate. We’re sorry we can‘t answer the call. Please leave a message and we’ll call you back.” I recognized the voice; it was recorded by the office assistant. She’s...

What's Your Profession?

We work with many different professions, here are a few. Jump to the page of your profession to get ideas on how an All Call Technologies system might work for you.