TF - 877-659-4999
Office - 208-685-2900

Articles about business phone systems, services and updates on new features.


All Call Technologies Phone System for Small Businesses Blog

Information for entrepreneurs and business owners
about phones, phone systems, call routing,
business operations and image regarding
their phone communications.

Thanks for stopping by the All Call Technologies Blog! We hope you find the content interesting, thought-provoking, informative and even entertaining at times. In the telecom industry, technology moves fast. New ideas on when, where, and how we want to communicate, pour into the market all the time. Even for simple business telecom solutions, sometimes the choices are overwhelming. We’ll help you navigate this area of your business and provide information that will enable you to make informed decision about your business telephone needs.

I'm a techie, and yes my articles will have some technical jargon but I hope to explain phone systems so you'll understand them better. Oftentimes, what entrepreneurs need is a simple solution that has its horsepower in the technology behind the scenes. For example, you can create a complete business phone system using a Mickey Mouse phone with All Call Technologies powering the call routing technology on the backend… Who knew??

We consult business owners every day who have all kinds of questions about phone issues ( call management, call routing options, number of lines needed, simple and complex configurations etc.) All aimed at custom tailoring a phone/fax system to meet their individual business needs. An important distinction to make regarding our service and expertise is “we’re a virtual call management solution.” Our clients do not need to purchase, install or maintain ANY equipment other than the phones they may already have. That’s why we’re called “The Brains without the Box!”

We would like this blog to be “a two way street” and if you have comments, questions or topics to share, we would be interested in hearing from you. Please go to our Contact Us page. We hope you will find value in our blog and come back to visit often!

The “Virtual” Phone System Guy

What's Your Profession?

We work with many different professions, here are a few. Jump to the page of your profession to get ideas on how an All Call Technologies system might work for you.