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Articles about business phone systems, services and updates on new features.


Voice Mail for Small Businesses Needs to be Outside of the Office

Everyone is familiar with voice mail. It's a necessary tool for businesses to run efficiently. There are two options, one - purchase voice mail in your phone system or two - use an outside voice mail service. Option one is fine if there are enough phone lines to accommodate the incoming calls. If all of the lines are busy then the voice mail is useless. Option two allows a caller to leave a message anytime, even if the phone lines are all busy.

Having voice mail out of the office phone system allows staff to call in and retrieve messages without using one of the business lines. Using a service like All Call Technologies for this give you many more options than what you will find with phone company voice mail. Options like:

  • Voice messages delivered to your email
  • Listen to your messages on your computer
  • SMS text notification to your cell phone
  • Professionally recorded outgoing greetings

And many more customizable features make your voice mail a powerful tool. That ensures that if you can't talk with your customer personally they are impressed with your business image and your quick response to their message.

What's Your Profession?

We work with many different professions, here are a few. Jump to the page of your profession to get ideas on how an All Call Technologies system might work for you.